Friday, September 23, 2011


Dear Mr. Abbas,

That’s a nice suit you wore today.
I know all about nice suits.
You see, my daddy did pretty well for himself and likes to wear them to work.
I buy him ties and cuff links.
Dear Mr. Abbas,
My dad is from Safad, just like you.
Do you remember Safad?
You didn’t seem to, this morning.
Dear Mr. Abbas,
Most people from Safad, they don’t get to wear nice suits.
They don’t get to stand in front of the General Assembly.
They don’t have any one hear their voices.
Dear Mr. Abbas,
You were supposed to do that today.
You were supposed to talk about them.
You were supposed to say the word REFUGEE.
More than once.
Dear Mr. Abbas,
The majority of the Palestinian people come from what is now Israel.
They live in refugee camps.
And with all the news coverage on all the news channels…
Not one network covered what the people in the camps think about State 194.
Dear Mr. Abbas,
It’s was your job to remind people that they should have asked.
Dear Mr. Abbas,
Nice suits don’t absolve you of responsibility.
Dear Mr. Abbas,
You don’t represent me. And I don’t even need your representation.
But the Palestinians, in the camps. They do.
And today, your suit and your seat took precedence.

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